Monday, December 20, 2010

NEWS : @ USA Cricket
     - The special answers for The upset stakeholder of US Cricket

Unhappy Stakeholder !
I don't think you KNOW what you are talking! (about) Said,

You write a lot and ask a lot of questions, you tell other people to "KNOW what you are talking!" but you yourself don't say anything new. You start a blog that says a lot of nothing, bury us in spam, and beg us to email you.

It looks more and more like you just want to feel important by having people to talk to you.

If you really don't KNOW anything, do us all a favor and stop talking!

Answers to the throwups! 
KNOW what you are talking! said,

The special answers for The upset stakeholder of US Cricket

The upset stakeholder of US Cricket,  ohyaa , the big list! You deviated your focus from the service to cricket. Never fail your duty in serving the game which is greater than any individual!

Here is the KNOW what you are talking! explaination to your throwups!

  • write a lot  - so that US Cricket stakeholders can read a lot
  • ask a lot of questions - trigger the sleeping brains to wake up and solve puzzles by themselves
  • tell other people to "KNOW what you are talking!" - anyone talking should have a credible voice in other words should be well informed of what they talk.
  • don't say nothing new - New era is going to be made and I am no tarrot reader my friend
  • started a blog - all cricketing press were a seperate entity and publish their own agenda
  • says a lot of nothing - perception my friend , the trails have heavy reading material and lead to an interpretaion and conclusion - they do not belong a cricket press , it is a collage!!!
  • bury us in spam  - how unfortunate , it was not an intend!
  • beg us to email - wanted all these commentators to go away from a gossip forum
  • just want to feel important - think big stay simple, the game is bigger
  • having people to talk to you - no one has my contact info to talk
  • if you really don't KNOW anything - blog articles speak for themselves
  • us all - NO ROYAL WEs please, Lion comes alone not in groups!
  • a favour - I don't do favours
  • stop talking! - that is the only way US Cricket stakeholders will get to know everything, howto? Lemme think.

Please understand that anyone who has requested to have my contact info has had a response - "I write blog with my pen name, you may visit my blog at for any further details"

This was not your flu shot, of course you need one.

KNOW what you are talking!

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